Category: Inspiration

I’ve been going through Genesis the past couple months reading and re-reading stories, choosing one Bible translation then switching to another.  And regardless of how many times I’ve read the Genesis account, or all of Scripture for that matter, God always reveals new truths… even through those old stories we heard over and over again as kids.


This morning as I started reading through the story of The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), I had to laugh.  You see, it took place after the great flood when all the people of the earth were all together and spoke one language.  It was here that someone had a brilliant idea to construct a city with the greatest sky scraper ever; something everyone could see, an awesome achievement and focal point of the city, a wonder of the world…

“Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.'”   Genesis 11:4

What’s so funny about that you ask?  Well, it just struck me the gall of some people… doing something so outlandish, like building this massive tower, to make sure they wouldn’t be “dispersed over the face of the whole earth.”

Doesn’t that just sound like a dare?  Yeah…what do you suppose God will do in this situation??!


A dear friend of mine has Trypanophobia.  It’s not what I would think of as a typical fear most girls have like spiders or snakes…  it’s the fear of injections or hypodermic needles.

She hates them.

She even had a discussion with God about them, acknowledging her fear but making sure He understood there was NO WAY she could deal with anything that had to do with needles…just don’t even go there.

Or, in other words…


Not too long after my friend had her ‘discussion’ with God, her daughter became very sick and was eventually diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  Which means that the one thing which brought such trepidation to my needle fearing friend, is now the one thing she must have intimate knowledge of.  She must keep them in her home, in her purse, at her side, in order to inject her daughter daily to provide the insulin her daughter needs to survive.

Like the people building that tower to make sure they wouldn’t be “dispersed,” God clearly had other plans.

“…the LORD dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth…”   Genesis 11:8

Now don’t get me wrong, we can’t change or coerce God’s plan for our lives by sending out a dare… if that were the case, then my ‘don’t even try to let me win the lottery’ would have ended differently and we certainly won’t doom it by admitting our weakness or fears.

But it is God and God alone who is in control and He has a fantastic, yet sometimes difficult, way of teaching us that.

Don’t dare God.  Let Him dare you.  Admit you need Him in your life, to take control of it and work through it.   It is only through our weaknesses; our addictions, our mistakes, our fears…that He can be seen most clearly.





2013-12-17 04.54.38

I know you’ve asked that, because I have too.  It is so hard for us to imagine that God; Creator, Healer, Guide, Father, Provider, Comforter, Savior… would care enough, or have time enough, to work in our lives let alone through us.


If any of you know me, you know that I’m an early riser.  I commonly start my day very early in the morning, and on the morning of Thanksgiving wasn’t any different.

When I woke and went downstairs, I checked my phone and saw that I had missed a text from a friend of mine.  I went to return the text but decided I needed to wait a while…it was only 4:30 for Goodness sake… and so I typed in my response but waited a few hours to send it.

And also, if you know me at all, you know that I don’t believe in coincidence or luck.  I believe everything happens for a reason, and that it is always God’s plan.

But it doesn’t always feel like it.  So often it seems like God’s not working in our lives at all…maybe things aren’t moving or changing the way we would expect if He were really involved, but why would he bother with measly old me?!

Oh don’t get me wrong, I know God uses us, His Word tells us as much…

“for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”   Philippians 2:13  (NIV)

“God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.”   1 Corinthians 12:6  (NLT)

but it just doesn’t seem like it.

Doesn’t it seem like we’re the ones pulling the strings, making the decisions?  We’re doing all the work!  We have to live our lives in a way that shows others we’re Christians (Matthew 5:16), we have to follow God’s rules (John 8:31), do good deeds (1 Timothy 6:18) and display God’s character (Galatians 5:22-23).

fruit of the spirit piece made for a friend 032

But that’s exactly what the devil wants us to think…he wants to convince us that we are the ones in control and calling the shots.

“For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”   John 8:44

The devil wants us to believe that God’s hands are not actively working in our lives; that He has stepped back and is allowing us to make our own decisions, that He’s only there when we need Him and that He does not affect (or care about) every choice we make.

But I know for a fact, that’s not true.

in his heart silver compass

A few days after Thanksgiving I met with that friend who I texted and she said to me…

“You were doing God’s work the other morning and you didn’t even know it!” she told me.

With a grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye, she continued…

“The morning of Thanksgiving I woke up at 7:14am.  I knew I needed to get up but I didn’t want to so asked God for just one more hour.  At 8:14am I got your text.  8:14!!  Exactly one hour later to the minute!!”


God is always at work and involved in every moment of our lives.  Don’t think for a second that He doesn’t care about you or that you don’t matter.  Because you matter so much to Him that He will work through you to send a text to a friend at exactly the right time she needs it.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”   Luke 12:6-7

And rest in the fact that God is always in control.

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”   Proverbs 16:9



Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not [merely] look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”   Philippians 2:3-4

Yesterday God gave us an amazing opportunity to spend the day at a Madison Mallards baseball game followed by the Rhythm & Booms firework show.  We were treated like royalty, watching the game from the Duck Blind which provided unlimited ballpark food, all the soda and beer you can drink and space to move around and relax during the game without being confined to a stiff plastic seat!

Mallards Game            Duck Blind

Mallards Game

Then just in time for the best fireworks display in the mid-west, we were able to stake claim on some choice real-estate in the outfield!

outfield real-estate outfield

I will squish you!

A bit of fun before the fireworks!

It was sweet.

But early into arriving at the ball park, we heard that MLB’s Hall of Famer Paul Molitor was there signing autographs.  He would be signing until 6:30, so we decided to eat first and then head over to see him.  By the time we got there, the line was very long, it was 6:00pm and we were told that even if we got in line now, it wasn’t guaranteed that we would even get to meet him.  {gulp!}  But we decided to take our chances anyway.  We bought a baseball, stood in line and held our breath.

Based on knowing our luck, and the pace that the line was moving, I figured we might get close but was pretty sure we wouldn’t meet him.  So we prayed, asking God to get us up to him in time, and continued to move along at a snail’s pace.  The clock was quickly counting down and 5 minutes out they reminded everyone that Mr. Molitor had to catch a flight and must leave at 6:30 whether everyone got a signature or not.  {eeeek!} But we were almost there!  Just a few people away at 6:29 and my heart was racing.  “Oh please…” I whispered.

As we approached the table, Mr. Molitor stood to get ready to go but he extended his hand toward us to sign what we brought as they announced to the rest of the crowd that he had to leave and my son’s hat would be his last signature.

Paul Molitor           Paul Molitor

There were shouts of obvious disappointment and unbelief from the crowd behind us and immediately I felt badly.  Oh don’t get me wrong, I was (and still am) so thankful that God allowed us to reach Mr. Molitor and get his autograph, but what about the people behind us?  They wanted something signed too… just one thing… but instead, our large family got four.

It just didn’t seem fair.

Why is that?  Why do we feel badly when others are left out?  Why do we wish we could’ve done more for those who don’t catch a break, when we get one?

Or don’t you?

God made us so that we would love one another.  If we are formed in His image and He is love…then if we truly know Him, it is integrated into our very being to love.  It’s because of His love for us that we are able to love.

“The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”   1 John 4:8

But because of the lasting effects of sin, our desire to love is muddied, replaced with the idea based on selfishness and pride that we are more important and we deserve more than others.

But that’s a lie!  We can’t let the enemy fool us any longer!  If we say we follow Christ, then we must also say that we are willing to live the way He lived…

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus… who emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, [and] being made in the likeness of menHe humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross… that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW…and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”   Philippians 2:5-6, 8, 10

Treating others the way we want to be treated, showing love and rooting for the underdog.

love like Jesus

Yesterday my family and I went to Noah’s Ark located about an hour away from our home here in Wisconsin.

noah's ark sign

He not only provided the money to allow us all to go, but an absolutely beautiful day as well.  Mmmmmm…what a treat!

As I packed for our day of adventure, I decided to bring along an extra bandage.  My foot had been dry for a while and if it’s not covered with a bandaid at all times, it tends to crack and bleed.  It was feeling pretty good that morning…no signs of cracking but I covered it anyway just for protection and brought an extra along just in case.

Of course my original bandage fell off pretty much instantaneously, but the extra one was dry and safe back at ‘home base’… our meeting point throughout the day… waaaaaaay on the other side of the park.  My foot was fine so, naaaaaaaaah…wasn’t going to trek back that far just yet.

As the day went on, my foot was doing great and I actually never needed to re-bandage.  Sweet!  And as our fun in the sun was winding down, some of the kids went on the Quadzilla…a water tube slide where 4 people race to the bottom.


Too fun!

My daughter Sam was one of the racers and as she flew down the slide she somehow flipped her mat and when she got off the slide, she came over to sit down and noticed her knee was bleeding.


Somehow she skinned her knee on the ride and as everyone knows, most pool and water park rules state:


Hmmm…good thing it was at the end of the day AND that we just ‘happened to have’ that extra bandage.

“And what kind of bandage was it?” you ask…

Why, a Nexcare, extra large, waterproof bandage of course !  🙂


the world’s most brilliant invention!!

“… for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”   Matthew 6:8

Lent. Really?!!

ash wednesday

So, I have been challenged.

Today is “Ash Wednesday” in the Catholic religion, which kicks off the season of “Lent.”  All I remember (from my growing up years in the Catholic church) about Ash Wednesday was when I attended an Ash Wednesday service with a friend of mine while I was at college in LaCrosse.  I went up front, they schmeared some “ash” on my forehead in a cross shape…and I heard that you would pretty much go to hell if you wiped it off.

Well, I wiped it off and headed out to the bars!!  Not a terribly moving or meaningful experience, obviously.

And, all I know about Lent is that you had to give something up for a set amount of time.  I never understood that.  I remember a dear friend in High school giving up caffeine one time.  That just didn’t make sense to me… why would you do that??

What’s the point?!!

I noticed people referring to Lent on Facebook.  It intrigued me.  Especially after a Christian friend of mine said something about taking part in it.  I always thought Lent was some silly thing Catholics did…that it didn’t really matter…

So I did some research of my own: Lent

“Lent, in some Christian denominations, is the forty-day-long liturgical season of fasting and prayer before Easter”


“The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the desert, where according to the Bible he endured temptation by Satan”


“The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial—for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

okay now I get it

Obviously, many people do not practice Lent, and see it as an obscure tradition that the Church practices without Biblical merit…but according to the Bible, Jesus told his disciples that:

“…the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.”  Matthew 9:15

So, we are to set aside time to reflect and thank our Father in Heaven for what He has done for us.  A time for us to sacrifice (whether it be large or small) so that we might be reminded, and reflect upon WHY we have been placed on this earth.

What an incredible chance to show our creator the love we have for Him!!

So, on that note…for this season of Lent…holding you all as my witnesses…I will be taking part in 40 days of sacrifice.

(Lord, please let this time go quickly by…)

I will be giving in to my own self-sacrifice and will be giving up…

Drum roll please!

diet cokeSODA!

Yeah, yeah…baby steps.

Would someone please warn McDonald’s that they won’t have to order as much Diet Coke?!!

To you, that may not seem like a big enough sacrifice…but to me, quite frankly, it’s huge!!  I am interested to see how God will use this time…how He might change me, and ultimately bring me closer to Him.

That’s what I long for, above all…

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.”   John 15:19

I just started a new job this week and turns out, I work with a guy that lived on my street as a kid.

He was mean.

He and his twin brother were probably 6 or 7 years older than me; an elementary school kid, while they were starting high school.  At the bus stop in the morning, they would spit on us (my sister and our other elementary school aged friends) and even one time they shoved my backpack under a passing Madison Metro city bus.

holly hobbie

That not only crushed my Holly Hobbie lunch box, and gave me a very hungry belly, but my spirit and any ounce of respect that I had for them.

They were bullies and I didn’t like them.

So when I saw his name plate at the office, I was nervous.  Realistically, I knew he was now a grown up adult and probably very different, but in the back of my mind I still remembered how he treated me.  I even heard that he “is such a nice guy,” but it didn’t matter.

The past was burned into my memory.

Of course once I did meet him again and share who I was…as well as a ribbing him a bit and letting him know he was a bully… I saw that he really was a nice guy.

But isn’t it interesting how that one instance I had with him, granted it was over a period of years, but how it affected me?

We must be aware of how we treat others as well as the choices we make; the words we use, songs we listen to, movies we watch, what we stand for and how we live.  People are watching and are very much affected by our actions and as Christians we may just be the only picture of Christ or the Bible a person gets.

be careful

My husband, Jax, was considered a “Bible thumper” and “Jesus Freak”  in school growing up which resulted in his not having a lot of friends and, of course, endured a lot of bullying.

He used to get teased about his convictions and how he lived his life but he stayed strong and stood tall for the cause of Christ.

One classmate used to tease him the most; he would mock him and ridicule him daily, going out of his way to do things he knew Jax wouldn’t appreciate.  So when Jax, 20 years later, got a friend request from this guy on Facebook, he immediately refused it.

This friend request continued to bug Jax.  It, like the bully himself, seemed to pop up daily and Jax would see it over and over and over again.  So finally, he accepted it and braced for the onslaught which certainly followed.

This guy, this bully, who literally made high school a living Hell for Jax now approached him humbly and sorrowfully.  He apologized for how he treated Jax and admitted that had he only listened to Jax or paid attention, he would’ve avoided a lot of heart ache and bad choices in his life.

The most astounding thing he shared was that since high school, and the influence Jax had on him, he accepted Christ as his Savior, got married, has 7 or 8 kids and is now the pastor of a Bible believing church.

stand strong

God tells us that we will be persecuted, we will be attacked.  Stand strong.  God needs us to be His hands, His feet, His hugs and His heart.  He will use you.

“But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.”   John 15:21

“You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.”   Matthew 10:22


I just started reading the book of Exodus which stars a doubting, excuse making, sign wanting example of human kind.

Charlton Heston as Moses


Surprised??  The greatest Jewish leader… the law giver… a screw up?

He’s such a mess, not that you would know it by how people refer to him;

“In prophetic power, spiritual insight, and leadership qualifications, Moses ranks with the mightiest men who ever lived…”

but he is and I totally “get” him.  I love this guy!  His heart is in the right place; he longs to serve God and willing, in his mind, to serve God without reservation…but when it’s time to put the pedal to the metal he totally chokes.

I Totally Get You

GOD: “Yo, Moses!”
Moses: “Sup?”

I’m paraphrasing a bit…but what a great response!  Moses is there, willing, waiting for his assignment…heart racing, pulse quickening, excited and eager to do whatever God asks, totally committed…  (Exodus 3:4)

GOD: “Time to for you to go get my peeps.”
Moses: “Uhhhhh…”

Until he starts thinking about it…go in front of Pharaoh after all that has happened?  NO WAY! But God’s right there encouraging and reassuring… (Exodus 3:11-12)

GOD: “You got this.”
Moses:  “Yeah, but…”

Moses starts making excuses, and God makes it real easy for him… (Exodus 3:13-22)

GOD: “Ok, this is how it’s gonna’ go down”
Moses:  “But, what if…”
GOD: “Here, I’ll work a little magic.”
Moses: “Eh.  Y’know, I don’t talk too good…”
GOD: “I’ve got your back.”
Moses: “Nah.  Hey look, there’s Aaron!”   (Exodus 4:1-13)


God tells Moses EXACTLY what’s going to happen!  Down to the very words he should say!  How awesome would that be?

tell me what to do

“Ok Nicole, here’s my plan for you.  You’ll meet your husband at 22, get married and have 4 kids and their names are… You’ll stay at home to raise them and your husband will go back to school.  He will lose his job for a time but don’t worry I’ll take care of you.  Then when he starts working again, I’ll remove that job as well…but have no fear, I am with you.  You’ll work at a dental office for a time and then I’ll provide another job for him and you will return home…”

I am such an old testament girl at heart.  To have a burning bush, or pillar of cloud?  That would be great!!  What I would give to know God’s plan for me!!  But what an example God has given us in His Word!  Moses the skeptic, the doubter…considered to be a great man of God.

There is hope for all of us!  the weak

God gave each of us gifts and talents (ok, some very much more than others) and even weaknesses to use for His glory, for His purpose.  Your stutter?  Your bashfulness?  Your big nose?  Your lack of will-power?


It’s to reveal His power, not yours.

Next time God asks you to do something, even if it seems crazy, even if it’s something you know someone else could do better… take a breath, give Him your trust, give him your heart and offer…

“How can I use these abilities, strengths and weaknesses You’ve given me to bring You glory?”



Isn’t it so like us to notice God’s work in our lives and not say anything?

Not give God the glory?  Only think of ourselves??

Selfish Portrait

As I began to read the story of Joseph yesterday morning (see Daily Bible walk: Day 18), I saw clearly the similarity of the sinful and selfish human mind.  How easily we focus on ourselves.

Joseph interpreted the dreams of the King’s servants – fellow prisoners.  When he did, even before it all came to fruition, Joseph asked the cupbearer to remember him…

“Only keep me in mind when it goes well with you, and please do me a kindness by mentioning me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house.”   Genesis 40:14

But what happened?

“Thus it came about on the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, that he made a feast for all his servants; and he lifted up the head of the chief cupbearer and the head of the chief baker among his servants. He restored the chief cupbearer to his office, and he put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand; but he hanged the chief baker, just as Joseph had interpreted to them. Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.”   Genesis 40:20-23

The cupbearer just witnessed a miracle!  God allowed Joseph to accurately predict/interpret his and the baker’s dreams.  To the T!  Every detail was correct…but the cupbearer forgot him, focusing only on himself.

As I read that unbelievable story of egocentricity, I felt led to post something about it.  About the selfishness of man; how we so easily place ourselves before God, in place of God.

But as I continued reading, God grabbed my attention…

shoulder tap

“No, that’s not what I want you to learn from this.” He said.

Ok, so I didn’t hear Him audibly… but I couldn’t miss His obvious shoulder tap.

Joseph was forgotten because God closed the mind of the cupbearer.

God needed Joseph to wait.  To be “forgotten” for two years by the cupbearer in order for God to put everything in place; for Joseph to live up to the potential God had for him and to accomplish all God intended for his life.

Joseph was 30 when he entered into the service of Pharaoh.  That’s 13 years since being sold into slavery by his brothers and the Bible doesn’t indicate that God ever spoke to Joseph during that time.  Sure, God poured out His favor and blessing onto Joseph but even so…how much of that time did Joseph feel forgotten by God and question God’s plan for him?


Do you feel alone?  Forgotten?
Do you feel like God doesn’t care, that He’s isn’t around?
He may just be asking you to wait.

His perfect plan for your life isn’t fully in place yet.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”   Philippians 1:6

God's plan


Related articles:
What’s the rush?  Waiting and listening.   (
When God’s Timing is Taking Too Long   (
God’s Plan is Better   (
Daily Bible walk: Day 18   (


I attended a conference this past weekend and while I was there I went to a session in which a married couple shared their love story.  An engaging and beautiful story about how God brought them together and how they trusted Him for their relationship.

The speakers were Eric & Leslie Ludy, authors of the top-selling relationship book:

When God Writes Your Love Story

I was in awe of this incredible story.  When I left the session, I was pumped about how God works in lives.  I have seen Him time and time again provide similarly in my life through His provision with finances or His great protection but I never really thought about how, if we only trust Him that way in every area, of course He would reveal Himself in amazing and awesome ways.

But what shocked me was the feedback I heard from others who attended the same session; some youth as well as other leaders… saying it’s “unrealistic.”

Why is so it unrealistic?  I thought.  That is exactly how God works!

Instead of continuing to take things into their own hands, the Ludy’s completely trusted God to provide their future spouse and He totally came through.  God provided exactly what each of them wanted, like He will do and has done so many times before for those who fully trust Him!

Just imagine how we take things into our own hands, like with our finances when we use credit cards to purchase things.

“Don’t use credit cards?!”  You think…  “Unrealistic!”

kissing card

But what if??

When we use credit, we are controlling how we get things.  Many times, I would say, it is for something we don’t truly need but even when there are times of “emergency,” using a credit card to pay for said “emergency” is taking it out of God’s hands. That “emergency” has been filtered through God’s loving fingers; it’s a test…a trial… and how we respond to it can easily take away an opportunity for God to work in an amazing and awesome way and also says a great deal about what we are truly placing our trust in.

Had I borrowed money for groceries or gas at one of the many times we had nothing left in our account or in our pockets, I would have missed God ringing our doorbell or pushing our car.  God works in amazing and wonderful ways and His intent is for us to experience exactly that in this life He has planned for us.  How many other times have I missed an opportunity to allow God to work in my life because I decided, like Sarai, to take matters into my own hands?

My way or the highway

Like Eric and Leslie’s story, God has been working in love lives for ages… read the story of Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 24:14-20) or how God intervened to be sure Sarah was not defiled by Abimelek…

“Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also kept you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not let you touch her.”   Genesis 20:6

Why don’t we fully trust God?  Because it’s hard.  Sure, it’s hard.  It’s supposed to be hard!!  If it wasn’t hard, it wouldn’t be called faith.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”   Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

What would happen if we truly trusted God for every aspect of our lives?

Just imagine it… what life could truly be like, how easy it would be to see God working, how our lives would be changed and lives around us affected!

“Who does great things, unfathomable, And wondrous works without number.”   Job 9:10

Is there something you need to give up control of?  Is it time to trust God’s plan for your life?  God wants what’s best for you, He always has.  Give it to God and see how He responds.



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